Shipping Policy (phase one, in which Doris gets her oats)

How much do we charge for shipping?

At we want to make money on every single product we sell. I know, that sounds like a pretty crazy concept but hear us out...

We have no loss leaders, we have no bait and switching. We have no endless rounds of capital to raise so that we could operate in the red until we reach a critical mass. We charge our customers a bit more for a product than it costs us to manufacture or procure it. This margin pays for our computers, our cheap coffee, our beers, and our internet shirts with witty slogans that shrink after exactly 1 wash cycle. It's a business model that does not make you rich but it works. 

However, shipping is not a product. Shipping is something that we file as a cost of doing business. As such, WE DO NOT MAKE MONEY ON SHIPPING! We regularly tweak our rates so that the amount we charge you to ship your goods is exactly the amount that the carriers charge us. Still....math is hard and the variables that the freight companies use are not entirely transparent. Therefore, sometimes we will charge you less than it costs us to ship your products. We call this fair play. Maybe we didn't calculate that you needed a lift-gate or your UPS region is surprisingly rural or complicated. For whatever reason, if we charge you less than it costs us to ship the items, we take the loss and that's ok. It just makes us improve our rate calculations.

The opposite, on the other hand, is a whole other matter. If we charge you more for shipping than it costs us to ship your items, we will refund your that difference! At the end of every month we run a report to see where we made and lost money on shipping and every time we make money on shipping, we send you an email with a coupon for store credit. Not a percentage off or $10 off a $1,000 but exactly the amount of store credit we overcharged you by. We help people come together, direct your traffic and keep the crowds in order. Need anything else? We can probably do that too. Call us. We love to chat.